PSAT on October 10th 2018

Good evening Titan parents.  Next week on October 10th, all 9th, 10th and 11th graders at Pioneer High and across the district will take the PSAT test.  The PSAT test is the practice SAT test, which is used by most colleges and universities for admission.  Pioneer students will take this test FREE of charge. 

Senior students DO have school on Oct. 10th.  They will participate in workshops to help them with their Senior Projects.

Wed. October 10th will be a minimum day beginning at 8am and ending at 12 noon.  All 9th, 10th & 11th grade students will take the test in with their 2nd period classes beginning at 8am.  The testing will conclude at 12noon.

All students who arrive between 7-8am will be fed a pancake breakfast before the test.  A breakfast snack will still be provided to students who do not eat in the morning.  All students are eligible for a pizza lunch after the test.  They will receive a lunch ticket from their teacher upon completion of the PSAT.  Pizza will be served immediately after school and bus service will be available for students at 12:15pm.

Thank you for supporting your student in taking the upcoming PSAT test.  Please encourage your student to get a good night’s rest!  If you have any questions, please contact the school at 562-698-8121 Ext. 5020.