Horizons Home

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The Expanded Horizons program welcomes all students to thrive on being their best! Expanded Horizons aims to provide students with the necessary tools to make informed choices in high school that will prepare them for a path of their choice upon graduation. Additionally, it is a place where students can study and do work. Also, friendly staff is ready to help encourage and celebrate important milestones.  


The Expanded Horizons team offers students guidance on financial aid, college applications, scholarships, and completing A-G requirements with the support of district partners such as Rio Hondo College, Tri-Cities ROP, and Cal State Long Beach’s Cal-SOAP.


Expanded Horizons also provides English learners with resources to strengthen their academic performance and to assist them in preparing for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) exam.




Important Websites


College Board: https://www.collegeboard.org/


FAFSA: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa


Rio Hondo Registration: https://www.riohondo.edu/get-started/


Hispanic Outreach Taskforce: http://hotoutreach.org/

Services We Offer:
College Representatives
College Speakers
Computer Lab
College Visits
Military Services
SAT I, SAT II, ACT, PSAT Registration
Scholarships and Grants
Financial Aid Advisement
AVID Program
Employment Opportunities
Work Permits
Parent Involvement

Support Components:

AVID/Los Angeles County Office of Education
Rio Hondo College
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