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Watch the Aeries Portal "How To" Video
Added May 11, 2017
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hello what are you doing parents this is a quick tutorial how to get access to the Aerie's student information system Parent Portal the parent portal provides quick says to critical information for you student including real-time attendance grades test scores and more it is recommended that you check often on Parent Portal has greater being updated frequently by teachers on site now in order for me to set up for the first time I need to open up a web browser on a computer and type this URL address HTTP colon slash slash Aeries wuhsd. Org now keep in mind that I mentioned that this must be done on a computer your first initial setup to the parent portal must be done on computer and not on a mobile device we can't do this on the cell phone once I do set up parent portal for the first time though then I can access my students grades through a cell phone but again the initial setup must be computer so once I type this URL address this is the login screen that should pop up now couple things to know number one I can change language Navy from English to Spanish down to the bottom left corner on this link shows written instructions on how to set up parent portal for the first time what are the things in a very important once I create a new account in order for me to create a new account I need three key pieces of information I need my students permanent idea ID home telephone number on file as well as the verification code all students incoming students to the Whittier Union High School District should have received piece of paper it looks just like this I will have dear parent and have information about the Aries sooner mation system down here we'll have those three pieces of information soon as proven ID number home phone and the verification code if you did not receive this piece of 4 or misplaced this piece of paper please go to the front office at your site and staff will be more than happy to assist you so once I have those three pieces of information I'm going to click create new account going to ask if I'm a parent or student I'm going to click on parent and click the next going to ask for my email address so I'm going to type my personal email address parent Tom is going to ask for it again so I'm going to verify it as well as a password so I'm going to type in password Sonic create a password hopefully when I remember and then click next now once I click next I will receive a verification email from Whittier Union so the verification email should look something like this it's going to say thank you for registering for nerves account nowhere to ensure they can't was requested by you please click on the appropriate link without self down here I'm going to click firm this email address just to ensure that its me once I confirm this email address a new window should pop up that looks just like this the final step thank you for confirming your email address you may not log into Aries and link your account to a student so I'm going to click return to login page and take me back here I'm going to type in my email address and the click next it's going to ask for my password and once I type in my password they should open up this screen right here so those three piece of information that I need the student permanent ID number I got to type that in my students number is pretty easy one to remember it's going to ask play home telephone number 56255 Andy verification code so this is the change code phone number and student ID all this information as I mentioned before is located on those three boxes so once I type in this information click next time the 60 done so at this point once I am done then I can login check out my students in attendance grades test scores and more now again once this initial setup is done I can check us out on any computer as well as your mobile device if you have any further questions or concerns please make sure to contact the staff on site and they be more than happy to assist you
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