Preparing for College
Freshman Year
- Become involved in school organizations, clubs, athletics, ASB
- Take A-G courses to meet the admission requirements of four year colleges
- Aim for A’s and B’s in all your classes, especially for semester grades
Sophomore Year
- Become involved in school organizations, clubs, athletics, ASB
- Take A-G courses to meet the admission requirements of four year colleges
- Aim for A’s and B’s in all of your classes, especially for semester grades
- Take the PSAT in October to help you prepare for the ACT and SAT exams
- Begin visiting college campuses
Junior Year
- Continue involvement in school organizations, clubs, athletics, ASB
- Continue to take A-G courses to meet the admission requirements of four year colleges
- Aim for A’s and B’s in all of your classes, especially for semester grades
- Take the PSAT in October to help you prepare for the ACT and SAT exams
- Take the SAT and ACT for the first time in May/June—sign up in Expanded Horizons
- Take all AP exams for any AP classes you are taking
- Continue visiting college campuses you are interested in
Senior Year
- Continue involvement in school organizations, clubs, athletics, ASB
- Complete all final A-G course requirements with a grade of C or better
- Aim for A’s and B’s in all of your classes, especially for semester grades
- Take the SAT and ACT again in October/November/December—sign up in Expanded Horizons
- Apply to colleges—Expanded Horizons can help
- Fill out the FAFSA---Expanded Horizons can help
- Apply for as many scholarships as possible
- Visit college campuses you are accepted at to make final decision easier
- Take all AP exams for any AP classes you are taking