Athletic Clearance & Grades
Create an account or update information on the Please remember your username and password, we use this website every year. If you are an incoming 9th grader, please DO NOT use your middle school email address, once you promote you do not have access to it. Use an appropriate personal email address. A physical expires in a year, remember each school year we will need a new physical uploaded to the athletic clearance website. If you need assistance contact or stop by the Business and Activities Office. Everything is submitted online, please do not submit any clearance paperwork to offices or coaches.
Use the following links below for step by step instructions for athletic clearance:
Remember to print this form and have your physician fill it out during your physical, then upload it to clearance website above: PHYSICAL FORM
Physicals are given once or twice a year for approximately $30. Check flyer in the B&A Office for dates and times. You must call in advance for information. (TBD for the 2024-2025 School Year) or see flyer below for information for Uptown Wellness Center for immediate physicals.
If the family does not currently have medical insurance, student insurance can be purchased through the Myers-Stevens Insurance Company for a small fee, or a family can supplement their insurance by purchasing the Myers-Stevens Insurance. Information brochures/applications are available in the Business and Activities Office or see brochures in English and/or Spanish at the bottom of this page. Once you complete the form please submit to Mrs. MariaElena Castañeda in the B&A Office, who will process your clearance. You can also apply online by selecting this link: Note: ALL FOOTBALL players MUST have football insurance coverage when applying for insurance.
Physicals are given once or twice a year for approximately $30. Check flyer in the B&A Office for dates and times. You must call in advance for information. (TBD for the 2024-2025 School Year) or see flyer below for information for Uptown Wellness Center for immediate physicals.
If the family does not currently have medical insurance, student insurance can be purchased through the Myers-Stevens Insurance Company for a small fee, or a family can supplement their insurance by purchasing the Myers-Stevens Insurance. Information brochures/applications are available in the Business and Activities Office or see brochures in English and/or Spanish at the bottom of this page. Once you complete the form please submit to Mrs. MariaElena Castañeda in the B&A Office, who will process your clearance. You can also apply online by selecting this link: Note: ALL FOOTBALL players MUST have football insurance coverage when applying for insurance.
All STUDENT ATHLETES must maintain a 2.0 GPA to be eligible to participate on any of our sport teams. Each Quarter grading report reflects a students eligibility. The Athletic Director will notify students and coaches of their eligibility status.
Although not required, students are encouraged to purchase an ASB card in the Business and Activities Office for $50.00. This fee is used to pay for uniforms, officials, certificates, athletic letters & equipment. Investment in the purchase of an ASB Card will save you money on dances, admission to most games, evening activities, the yearbook, formal dances, and much more.
Although not required, students are encouraged to purchase an ASB card in the Business and Activities Office for $50.00. This fee is used to pay for uniforms, officials, certificates, athletic letters & equipment. Investment in the purchase of an ASB Card will save you money on dances, admission to most games, evening activities, the yearbook, formal dances, and much more.