Eligibility Policy
(Administrative Policy 4036)
(Administrative Policy 4036)
The minimum standards of academic achievement and citizenship in order for a student to be eligible to participation in athletics, activities, and performances are as follows:
1. Students must have a 2.0 GPA or higher grade point average in all enrolled courses each quarter;
2. Students must pass in at least four classes each quarter;
3. Students can have no more than one F in any quarter;
4. Students can have no more than one U in any quarter;
5. The school administration has the prerogative to remove from a performance, activity, class, or to declare to be ineligible for participation in school activities any student who flagrantly disregards his/her primary obligation of academic achievement, regular attendance, and/or satisfactory citizenship.
Probationary Period:
Students who fall below the minimum standards as specified in Sections 1, 3. and 4 above will be placed on probation for one quarter. Students who fall below the standards two successive quarters become ineligible to participate. Students who fail to pass four classes, Section 2, or are declared ineligible by the administration, Section 5, become immediately ineligible and are not granted a probationary period.
1. Students must have a 2.0 GPA or higher grade point average in all enrolled courses each quarter;
2. Students must pass in at least four classes each quarter;
3. Students can have no more than one F in any quarter;
4. Students can have no more than one U in any quarter;
5. The school administration has the prerogative to remove from a performance, activity, class, or to declare to be ineligible for participation in school activities any student who flagrantly disregards his/her primary obligation of academic achievement, regular attendance, and/or satisfactory citizenship.
Probationary Period:
Students who fall below the minimum standards as specified in Sections 1, 3. and 4 above will be placed on probation for one quarter. Students who fall below the standards two successive quarters become ineligible to participate. Students who fail to pass four classes, Section 2, or are declared ineligible by the administration, Section 5, become immediately ineligible and are not granted a probationary period.